Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Freshman storyboard-Roboticcs

the activity my group did to make the storyboard was Robotics Team. The main reason our group chose this activity was because there was barely any activities left and Nick Wilson is on the Robotics team. He also had a a lot of pictures and videos of the robots and the robotics team. The project was also easier to contribute too when Nick shared the powerpoint on Google Docs. I looked up quotes by Dean Kamen who must have been a pioneer in robotics. We have some quotes from him in the video and we also have a video from the boilermaker regional from this year. The robotics team took first and are going to nationals now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The iphoto movie

  I thought the iphoto movie i thought was very fun and interesting. I thought it was nice because you could find things that could describe you and it was all about you. I also liked that we go to put music into the slideshow. I am looking forward to seeing other  peoples movies. This was also the first time i have you used iphoto and i had a really good time with it. This has been my favorite technology project that i have done in this class. I liked the different kinds of letters and the pictures at the end. I am looking forward to seeing all the other peoples projects and see how they flow.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Charity Mail Merge

     I thought the charity mail merge project was very detailed and took a long time. The merging was one of the easier parts. The hard part was making the addresses and making them up. That took the most time and I didn't really like that. I thought sharing the document and also saving it was pretty new to me and I had no clue how to do it. The letter i thought was a little bit unnecessary and i didnt think it should have had to be that long. I thought the project was fun and it helped me to learn some new techniques on my computer. I had a good time overall.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M&M comparision

I thought the M&M chart was very hard to understand and i had to be patient with Thomas who was having some unlucky problems with his computer and chart. The project was pretty easy for me, but I think  the project was hard for my comrade to my right. I had my troubles at sometimes but I got through it with ease. The best part was eating the M&M's and watching Thomas suffer with his problems. I could see his frustration and I learned that you have to be patient with yourself and the computer. This project was very fun.

Monday, March 14, 2011


My goal for this class is to just learn how to use some of the applications on my computer. I don't have that many expectations for this class at all. I just hope i can get through this class with learning some things about my computer. I want to learn some things about how to put music together and garage band. I also just want to learn how to use my computer faster and easier. I hope this class is not that hard and is fun and productive. I think this will be a great class and I hope to have a good time in this class